The Dos and Don’ts of Website Navigation

web developing
The navigation of a website is its backbone, allowing users to seamlessly explore and find what they are looking for. From the main menu to hyperlinks, website navigation plays a crucial role in the user experience. However, poor website navigation can lead to confusion and frustration, which can result in visitors abandoning the site altogether. Here are the dos and don’ts of website navigation to ensure a positive user experience.


1. Keep It Simple:

A simple and intuitive navigation menu is crucial to help your visitors find what they are looking for. Keep the main menu to a maximum of seven items and make sure each item is clearly labeled.

2. Use Clear Labels:

Use clear and concise labels for your navigation items, so the visitor can quickly understand the content of the page they are clicking onto. Avoid using playful or ambiguous language that might confuse the visitor.

3. Consistent and Predictable:

Consistency in navigation is essential for a good user experience. Keep the structure, style, and placement of your navigation consistent throughout the website.

4. Make Use of the Hierarchy:

The most important pages should be placed at the top of the hierarchy, while secondary pages should be placed a level below. Using a clear hierarchy will give the user an idea of where they are and where they can go.

5. Use Visual Clues:

Visual clues can provide further context and cues to help the user find what they are looking for. Highlighting current menu items or providing breadcrumbs can make navigation more intuitive.


1. Avoid Confusing The User:

Cluttering and overcomplicating the navigation menu can result in the user feeling overwhelmed and confused. Avoid submenus that are too deep or use too many categories.

2. Don’t Use Overlapping Icons or Drop-Down Menus:

Overlapping icons and drop-down menus can be confusing and annoying to navigate. Make sure the user can easily click on an option without having to contend with a dropdown menu blocking their view.

3. Don’t Make Users Search:

Avoid forcing the user to search too much around the website to find what they need. Assure your visitors to find necessary information for visitors with fewer clicks.

4. Avoid Using too Many Links:

Try not to use too many links on a single page as it can reduce the clarity of the page. Use links only where necessary and make sure that they are visibly distinguishable from the rest of the text.

5. Avoid Using Multiple Menus:

Using multiple menus on the same page can interrupt the flow of navigation and lead to confusion. Keep it simple and use only one menu.

In conclusion, the navigation of a website is a vital component of its design and can make a significant impact on the user experience. By keeping it simple, consistent, and predictable, you can ensure that the visitor can easily find what they need. Avoid confusing the user with too many menus or links, and use clear labels to guide them throughout the site. Making your website more comfortable to explore will lead to a better user experience that will keep visitors coming back.

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